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From Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur

Starting a business can be both exciting and challenging, but with the right guidance and support, you can achieve your goals to launch and start your business.

Build Your Business

Make Your Dream Happen

Build your business from concept to your first client!   Do you have a business idea and are struggling to find the path to implementation? 


The Promoting Me Team has 30+ years of experience in leadership and business. 15 different business start-ups in different economies in the market sectors of food and beverage, construction, storage solutions, product patent development, idea creation and trademarking, property management, finance, insurance, and leadership.


Starting and managing a business takes motivation, desire, and talent.  It also takes research and planning.  To increase your chances of success, you must have a trusted advisor by your side that has the experience to help you execute the necessary steps. We want to help you build your plan and help you network to ensure success. 

Client Success 

Empowered individuals that have turned their dreams into reality and built a thriving business

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